Thursday, 26 June 2014

Finding Joy Amongst The Busy

So, yesterday I posted this to my Facebook wall;

And I took some flack via a private message. I guess it was interpreted as I was saying busyness was bad. Sigh.... That's not what I meant.

For me, a busy schedule can lead to a grumpy heart. Insert Facebook status from June 13th;

Last night at our PAC meeting, someone asked a question about something... I answered;
"I'm unable to commit to anything more until after July 15th."
Morgan (student council rep) pipes up and says;
"Yeah, she's grumpy enough as it is!"
Then, as I was visiting with someone after the meeting, my son comes up to me and says....
"Mom, bedtime!"

Just a few minutes ago Jody comes up to me and says;
"Watchya got on the go for today?"
Me: "I need to get caught up on a bunch of stuff and try to re-claim the dinning room."
Jody: "Why don't you go have a nap?"
Me: "That's not fair..." (Knowing he's a bit run down but unable to slow down today.)
Jody: "What? It's not fair that I don't want a tired, grumpy wife?"

Oh, dear....there seems to be a theme here! Hahaha... Gosh, I love these guys! 

This happens more then I care to admit. Sigh... So, when I start to feel a bit over-whelmed, I have to take a second, start a load of towels or jeans (I know, weird, but it's what helps!), cancel a few things off the calendar, and focus more on the joy, rather then the busy.

When I'm running out the door, supper or breakfast dishes still on the table, and baskets of laundry needing to be folded;

Bathrooms needing to be scrubbed, (no photo necessary!)

Timber sitting there staring at me with his ball,


I can feel a bit over-whelmed. I know I won't have time to deal with it all properly until later, so I CAN (and should!) choose to shut my front door, and focus on the moment.

I get to go watch my MENN enJOY life.

Taking JOY in knowing;

Dirty dishes means I was able to feed my boys a healthy meal.

Baskets of laundry mean we have clean clothes (albeit a bit wrinkled!) for the morning.

The ring around the tub, and wet towels not hung up, says we have water to wash off the fun of the day. 

And regardless, my dog still loves me unconditionally, despite my lack of time to throw a ball for him.

So for me, the two (Busy and Joy) don't have to be mutually exclusive. It's finding the balance. It's choosing joy DESPITE the busy. That is what I meant. I didn't mean busy was bad, I just meant busy CAN rob you of joy, and this is something I personally can struggle with. I don't want my husband to come home to a stressed out, grumpy wife. I don't want my MENN to remember their Mom as being too busy and grumpy for them and their moments. I want to intentionally choose to have time and joy for them in life.

If I don't, that means I have failed in what is utmost important to ME.

I want to CHOOSE joy, while living with the busy.

THAT is what I meant...

Thursday, 3 April 2014

Growing Up In a Mini Van

My MENN have grown up in our 2004 Toyota Sienna. When Jody brought it home for me as an early Mother's Day present in 2003, I was 6 months pregnant with Nathan, and we had totally outgrown our Mazda MPV.

Morgan was 5, Ethan was 3, and Nolan was 17 months. Our van felt as amazing as a space ship! It had been re-designed, and set the stage for every future Mini Van to be built. It's true! This van was the beginning of the modern body style, flip and fold seats, cup holders everywhere, and an engine that could out-perform most other vehicles on the road. WHILE maintaining amazing gas mileage! I know, I know, I sound like a commercial... :) Even though it was the spring of 2003, our van was a 2004 and fresh off the line. Our vehicle payment was bigger then our mortgage payment, but we knew we could handle it, and we were all pretty darn excited! For years I had my boys convinced this was me.... :)

11 years later I still love driving my Sienna, but have really been thinking lately about life after the mini van. It almost makes me teary. It's like the end of an era. In my opinion, the Mini Van is designed to be the ultimate Mom mobil. You can pack all your little kids safely into their car seats, and still jam $250.00 worth of groceries, a stroller, your "clean up" and snack bin, and a diaper bag in there. graduate to back packs, sports bags, school projects, coolers full of food, extra kids, maybe a bike, and STILL get $500.00 worth of groceries in there! My van has seen the good, the bad, and the ugly of my family! It's been thrown up in, bled in, peed in, eaten in, climbed in, treated like a jungle gym, driven me to the hospital while in labor, driven kids to the ER, and has gotten us there safely every, single, time. It has sheltered us in hurricane force winds, torrential rains, blizzards and white outs, hail, massive thunder and lightning storms, and one weird, small, tornado-y like thing. It has handled like a dream and gotten us home safely in every weather scenario you can think of. It has also helped me avoid a Black Bear, a few Elk, and several Deer. Now, I do recognize it was all God, but I sure felt safe in my van while he was busy protecting me and the boys. It has also heard us yell, cry, sing, laugh, pray, tell secrets, fight, laugh some more, and talk through life. As I am currently now adding close to 1000 kilometres a week onto our wonderful mini van, it has got me really to thinking about what to do next. I just clicked over 250,000 km, and I still need my van for 4 more years...

As I enter a new stage of life, my needs have changed, and so have the needs of my family. With having 2 boys driving now, no car seats, tons of kilometres to travel, and not always the option to stay home if weather dictates, it was time to explore some options. Could I really justify a CAR?

OK...I need to back up a bit. When I was 16, I bought a 1985 Hyundai Pony for $300.00. What I really wanted?? This bad boy!

Yep! I was just that cool! A 1992 Subaru Outback. When all my friends wanted a Mazda Miata, I wanted this baby. All wheel drive, could throw a kayak on top, my German Shepherd in the back, and still have plenty of room for backpacks and friends!

Then, in the late 90's, I graduated to wanting this!

The Subaru Outback, L.L. Bean Edition. Sigh..... Yep.

However, I also wanted 4 kids. Enter my Mini Van instead.... :)

OK, thanks for joining me down memory lane, I'll get back to business here!

So...what to do now? Well, let me see. I don't always have all 4 kids with me. However, I do need to be able to pack bikes, skis, bags, back packs, groceries, a German Shepherd, and long legged boys into my vehicle. I need to be able to get to the mountains, over the mountains, all over Alberta and B.C., and know I can do it with phenomenal gas mileage and safety. I need to know that if my boys get caught in a freak storm, they are safe. I need the assurance of performance and safety. So guess what??

Yep, back to the Subaru Outback my mind goes.

I still need my van. I still need to be able to seat 6 - 8 people. However, I only need to be able to do that about once per week. So, this is the new member of Clan Koskela... Cypress!

21 years later, I now get to drive a Green Subaru Outback. My van can get some TLC and rest, and I don't have to compromise safety, comfort, or (let's be honest!) style. I am spoiled. I am blessed. I don't deserve my wonderful husband who is indulging my 16 year old inner Ellerie.

Now, if you'll excuse me, there is a highway with my name on it.... :)