Wednesday, 29 May 2013

The Highlight Reel....

You know those days when this happens????

Well, this has been one of those weeks for me. I can't seem to shake the "Highlight Reel Insecurities."

Facebook is bad for encouraging this, and there are days where I don't even peek because I know it's going to effect me for the negative. Now, granted I am a little hormonally unstable today, but still, this bothers me when I don't have the inner strength to self council my way through the mud.

Right now I am struggling to lose even a pound. My soggy, dandelion infested yard looks like an overgrown jungle.

My hanging baskets sit empty.

The veggie transplants in the sun room sit there growing to big for their little pots. 4 lovely raised garden beds are void of anything but soil and manure. My cookie jar is empty.

Jody and I were both fighting colds and busy schedules when he was home this time, and so I sent him back to work yesterday feeling like we had no time to just sit and stare at each other. MENN just want it to be summer break, and quite frankly so do I. This currently is how I feel.

As the craziness of the day took over, and MEN (Nolan was home sick) each hollered "Love you Mom!" as they were piling out of the van at school, why did I fight tears? When I popped into facebook quickly to answer a PM, why did I fight tears again? Walking past a full length mirror just about sent me over the edge.... A song, I tear up. A sink full of dishes, I sigh.


Some days just feel like a "life in the trenches kind of day". Today is one of those days.

I guess I'm sharing all of this because I have these days too. Days that I can't wait to crawl into bed. Days where I wonder if this is all there is. Tomorrow will feel better. I know this. As I plug through the list of chores, things start to feel more manageable. In 45 minutes I will take some time to put on my "game face" and get ready for the after school rush. I have to.

So, as I sit here typing this, watching Timber track yet another set of paw prints across the floor,

but knowing I have the blessing of a bed with clean sheets waiting for me tonight,

I will remember a wonderful question my husband asks me almost daily,

That we all have these days, and to be mindful in the future to be

 "Highlight Real".

Not just:

"Highlight Reel".


  1. Awesome and inspiring! I'm glad to know I'm not the only one that has days like that...Hang in there. {Hugs} {And, I'm in the trenches of weight loss, too. I've lost the same pound about 5 times now. It keeps finding me again!!}

  2. Beautifully said Ellerie. I think your strength is shown in your willingness to be vulnerable and share! I love the way in which you write your words,makes me want to keep reading. I recently heard something that I want to try to remember when things are affecting me.....'Live Inside Out, Not Outside In' other words don't let the world out there affect how you see yourself.
